Sevilla Plural
Imagenes de la migración en el espacio urbano
Sevilla 2010

In March 2010 workshops were held in various social centres in Seville which led to new drawings, audio, photos and pictograms to be developed. On March 17th these were then exhibited at the 'Oficina de Derechos Sociales' (ODS) in the 'Centro Vecinal de Pumarejo'. On March 18th, during an interactive art event ('Intervenciones en Jueves') held at the Calle Feria flea market, posters displaying images of migration were put up in the streets, and postcards were distributed during an urban action. This project was part of the 12th international ZEMOS89 festival - 'Microbios, seres vivos diminutos' which was held between March 15th and 21st 2010, together with ZEMOS98, and sponsored by the UNIA.

- Asociación de inmigrantes Tungurahua.
- Centro de Educación de adultos Manolo Reyes Cerro de Àguila.
- Curso de Español para inmigrantes del Centro Vecinal El Pumarejo - ODS - Asoc. Lengua y Mundos en Sevilla.
- AMIVSA Asoc. de Mujeres Inmigrantes Voluntarias y Solidarias de Andalucía Parroquia San Leandro de la Barriada del Carmen.